I came across this excellent article by Chloe Madanes, about how to be miserable, and started to think how these miserable habits can just kill your career. Mindset is so important in having a great career and success flows from happiness, not miserability. (Is that a word? I think I may have invented it!). Although we’ve all had, or known of, bosses who were vile and grumpy, most people prefer to be around people who are reasonably positive (without being a complete Polyanna).
The article’s very funny, because each ‘habit’ has an exercise to make you even more miserable, and the author is clearly having a little fun at the expense of The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People. At the same time, though, it’s thought provoking. Well worth reading through and seeing which ones you practice without even realising it. Here goes… [Read more…]