It’s long been my contention that internet marketing is a highly suitable career for a woman, so I was interested to hear a (male) internet marketer remark recently that ‘we need more women tekkies, we need more female internet marketers’.
I am a member of Martin Avis’ Internet Marketers’ London Lunch group. It’s a group of Internet Marketers, and people with an interest in Internet Marketing, who meet about once every two months in London to have lunch (!), share hints and tips and just get out of the house. It’s a friendly, mixed experience group, and people are always more than generous with their time, advice and, very often, their purchasing of drinks. And it was at this month’s lunch that I heard that comment.
Some of the top Internet Marketers from UK and elsewhere show up, so if you have any interest in Internet Marketing – whether as a business in its own right or to help your business – it’s well worth the time.
Now, back to my original suggestion, namely that Internet Marketing is potential a good career or business for a woman.
Why IS Internet Marketing A Suitable Career For Woman?
The first reason is that you really can run an Internet Marketing business in your pyjamas. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this approach, but because of its global nature and the opportunities offered by automation, you can do it at any time of the day or night. It can be a second job (assuming your contract of employment permits such a thing), it can be part-time, you can do it when the kids are in bed, or before they get up, and you can do from anywhere in the world where there is a half-way decent internet service.
Secondly, despite what people often believe, you don’t actually need to be massively technical to run an internet business. There are plenty of people around the world who will do the technical work for you much more cheaply than you ever could, and to a far higher standard. You DO need a good business idea, an understanding of the principles of business (particularly marketing), and the ability to set your own targets objectives and work towards them. You also need to be willing to invest some time in understanding the basic principles. There’s a lot in Internet Marketing that really is like colouring by numbers and joining the dots, but there is also a lot that requires creativity and, dare I say it, hard graft.
Running your own business isn’t for everyone. If you come over all shaky if you haven’t got a guaranteed income coming in every month, then being a business owner might not be the best option for you. However, if you are willing and able to take some risks, and if you’re well-organised and entrepreneurially minded, then self-employment can be a wonderful choice.
Running your own business can be lonely, particularly if you have been used to working with a team who you frequently meet face-to-face. If you need the stimulus of others to keep you going, then running your own business can be challenging, but one of the benefits of the internet is that is so easy to create virtual teams around the world. You can join mastermind groups, forums and lists to hook up with like-minded people, and in most cities there are people like Martin Avis who arrange face-to-face get togethers for lonely internet entrepreneurs.
So How Do I Become An Internet Marketer Then, Jane?
The easiest way to find out more is to get in touch or leave a comment letting me know what I can hep you with. There’s a wealth of information on Google, as you’d expect, although if you put ‘internet marketing’ in your search, you’re as likely to see pages from people who want to sell you internet marketing services, as you are to find information about what it is, and how to get into it. Take a look at this article on how to be successful in internet marketing, which is short, but well-written, and watch this space for more information related to Internet Marketing careers.
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